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Skräddarsydda kartor för ditt projekt - Kartritaren Sverige

Maps that speak

Explore the collection of my traditional, dynamic, and thematic maps and see what I can do for you.

Dynamic Maps

Responsive, zoomable maps and mini maps for the place you care about. You imagine, I create!

Thematic Maps

Tailored static maps for your book, your atlas, your website, a project or a print. Up to any map scale or dimension you need.

Printed Maps & Books

I take up mapping, graphic design and layout of printed maps and books. From field work in the city or on the mountain to finishing before the print.

Bok formgivning - en tryckt guidebook över Ikaria ön, Grekland
Tryckt vandringskarta över Agrafa bergskedja, Grekland
Bok formgivning - en ebook guidebook över Ikaria ön, Grekland

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